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Bay Olympic Policy on Apparel and Apparel Sponsorship

1. Purpose
The purpose of this Policy is to confirm the approved apparel supplier for Bay Olympic and advise on permitted positioning and size of sponsorship logos.

2. Policy
The Bay Olympic approval playing apparel and teamwear is Nike supplied by Inter Football. Gear can be purchased via the Club website or or No other playing apparel may be worn when representing Bay Olympic.

The Executive Committee of Bay Olympic has determined guidelines for the display of sponsor’s logos on playing and after match gear to ensure your Club is presented in a consistent manner that does not conflict with the interests of our major Club sponsors.
Teams may display a sponsor’s logo on their playing strip shirt sleeve only. This is to be a maximum of 7.5 cm by 7.5 cm. No other sponsor logo is permitted on playing gear unless it is expressly approved by the Executive Committee of the Club.

Where teams purchase the Club Nike training jacket, they may display a sponsor’s logo on the sleeve or on the rear of the jacket. If on the sleeve this is to be a maximum of 7.5 cm by 7.5 cm. If on the rear of the jacket this is to be a maximum of 20 cm by 5 cm.

Where teams purchase the Club Nike polo shirt, they may display a sponsor’s logo on the sleeve. This is to be a maximum of 7.5 cm by 7.5 cm.

The display of sponsor’s logos on any other gear or equipment requires express approval of the Executive Committee.

If teams have any queries around playing apparel or team wear or specific requests in relation to sponsorship display, please contact the Secretary at or the Club Co-ordinator at


3. Responsibility

It is the responsibility of the Secretary of the Executive Committee to manage the application of this Policy.


4. Review

This Policy was reviewed and approved by the Executive Committee on 13 January 2025. It will be reviewed annually. 

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